Dear “perfectionist” mother

Dear “perfectionist” mother,


I see you. In your pajamas still, with make up from the day before, hair that desperately needs to be washed. With spit up on your shirt and possibly peanut butter (and jelly) on your pants. Sipping on your cold coffee/tea that’s been warmed up at least 2 times this morning.

I see you thinking about everything that needs to be done and judging yourself for not having the energy to do it.

I see you thinking back on how hard it was to get pregnant. How you yearned and prayed for years to be a momma. How, this life, is your dream. To be a mother, to get to stay home and raise your sweet amazing babies.

I see you compare yourself. To every other mom on social media and in your life. To how they get their babes to eat veggies (and not Dino nuggets and mac n cheese for every meal). How they have their schedules down pat, kids that listen, and kids that sleep when they need them to. How they have clean houses, clean hair, worked out, laundry done and put away, dinner on the table (that they all sit at together) by 6pm, and didn’t lose they’re temper. You know, all the things you thought you would be right?! And I see that comparison monster sneak his way into your momma brain and tell you your not good enough. You’re not doing it right at all. You’re not perfect! Wait, why aren’t you perfect like all the other moms out there? This is what you asked for right, prayed for, begged for why aren’t you doing it all right? And you work incredibly hard to appear perfect on the outside. Make it seem like you have it all together. Your marriage, babies, showering, workouts, life, balance.

Well… you aren’t perfect. No one is. We all struggle with this. I’m gonna say that again…


Kids aren’t perfect, husbands aren’t perfect and by golly WE aren’t Perfect. Thank God right?! You need to know you’re not alone. You don’t have to be perfect. You can still be in your jammie’s (I am as I write this), dirty hair, cold coffee, bags under your eyes, messy house. I want you to embrace the messy. I know I’ve had too. Life is messy. Kids are definitely messy. Perfection is the enemy. Truly. Be you. Be your amazing momma self!! Because you are!! You were designed/hand picked to be that babes momma and you’re doing a fantastic job!! So I urge you to let go of “perfection” and just be you. If today wasn’t the “best mom day” there’s always tomorrow! Love those babies. That is the only way you can be perfect in their lives. Love them hard. Fiercely. Play with them. Stop making everything around you appear perfect and embrace the chaos.


If you’re anything like me you struggle with the need for perfectionism or comparing yourself to feel less than perfect? If so, I encourage you to share your heart here. This is a safe space full of beautiful mommas who want to uplift you! And if you would like to share any ways that you fight this feeling. Any tips or daily practices you have to fight the urge to compare or the urge to be perfect please feel free to share below in the comments section! Please encourage one another we all need it!


Something i try (sometimes force myself) to do everyday is sit. Even if everything around me is chaos. I have to make myself sit. Think. Put down my phone (helps with comparing because I’m usually on Instagram or Pinterest). Even if it’s just for a moment. To get a quick devotional in, pray, smell some oils, or just remember how blessed I am. How this is the life I dreamed of. Whatever that quick mom moment is for you. Just do it. It really helps to refocus my day and refill my momma cup up!


Love you mommas! You’re doing an amazing job!



ally 😘

Enlightenment… for me at least.

Wanna take a second and share a little enlightenment.. well really just honesty with y’all…

These past few years have been pretty dang lonely. Moving is hard. (especially 3 different states in 2.5 years) Super super fun. And Exciting don’t get me wrong but super lonely. It’s been a real struggle to feel settled. And to not isolate myself (been terrible at this) I know I’ve probably said this multiple times now but seriously it’s super hard guys. Especially with kids. Trying to get them plugged in (at completely different stages) alone time, time with my husband, find freakin mom friends or just friends in general when everyone is super busy in life, making sure I shower and actually eat, work out (hahahahahaha) get kids into activities, chase them both in opposite directions at the park while trying to ackwardly talk to other moms. Phew. It’s fun guys promise but so much.

So then what do I do when I get super overwhelmed= I isolate. (Anyone else?!!) Tell myself the exhaustion isn’t worth it. Stay home. Love on them. And tell myself the lie that “I’m totally cool by myself. You’re not really out-going. Not a social person. Don’t worry about it. Just stay home and deal with it when life isn’t so crazy.”

Dumb dumb dumb!! Lie lie lies!!

So what has been a way during all this dumbness to try and feel connected to people, feel a sense of belonging, worth, that I’m giving back to our family, that I can provide something to? Through some social marketing companies of course! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I know you’ve seen it. Heard me talk about it a lot and then stop. Well I wanted to actually give you the skinny on why and what I’m feeling about it all. It took me a while to actually understand that statement 👆🏽 above I just made. I was and kinda am… wait for it… lonely. Busy, and so happy don’t get me wrong, but lonely for adult interaction, for friends. Sounds silly because if you know me at all you know how out going I am. But it’s been hard. I did my research (I didn’t just dive in without thought or some semblance of a little plan) but came out unfulfilled and feeling pretty freakin crappy. Like I let people down, look like a flake, or dare I say it a failure. 😬 I know I’m not. Because the companies I decided to dive into just really weren’t fully for me. I still use the products from both younique (like 60% of my make up is still just that) and a few of my favorite itworks products too! So I stand by the product. I just couldn’t fully invest my heart. And then of course struggled with myself because of it. The opposite of what I was trying to do in the first place. Why can so many men and women have success at these things? Then here would come that liar again… You’re just not a good salesperson Allyson! Why do you suck at this? Just tell people about it! And I tried. I shared what I loved. But just couldn’t push it on others because I just wasn’t 100% behind it. It wasn’t me. Yes make up and the beauty world is but let’s be honest… in life right now.. I’m a stay at home momma. I don’t wear make up everyday and have the time right now to make videos. And with the health business side. I’m trying to be better and healthier for myself but selling something wasn’t making me be better at it. And that’s really what I needed and need! Plus.. once again I don’t just fully want to use one line of product for those areas. And feel like a “fraud” if I don’t. Hopefully that makes sense. Lol.

I need to find me. Not find some “thing” that fulfills that. I need the Lord. I need to put my identity in Him. Not a product. I need to get back to square one. And figure out what makes me tick. What brings me joy. What gets me excited. What I think about most (besides my awesome kids and amazing husband of course!)

Why do I keep searching for something outside of that? So what is it?!

I wanna take a second to ask you the same thing! When you pause and think for just a quick second about what makes you excited.. what is it?! Don’t over think it. Don’t let yourself overthink what society or everyone on Instagram is doing right now. What makes YOU tick?

So what’s mine? I know you’re probably wondering?! Or not. But well.. this is my blog so I’m gonna share it anyways with you. Lol.


I’m sure most of you (if anyone’s actually reading my babbling) are like…

DUH ALLYSON!! Well I know my husband did!! When I had this “epiphany” the other night. 🤦🏽‍♀️ i realized truly how much I love it, how much I think about it, seriously dream about it, research about it, learn about it, watch it. Aka miss it.

Seriously miss it. Like I keep having urges and dreams to shampoo people. 💆🏻‍♀️ When you can say you miss shampooing and giving others scalp massages you know you have a passion (am I right?!!) lol. Oh and watching videos of people doing highlights and balayage is like meditation and the most cathartic thing for you … it’s time to get back to what you love.

I love being a momma. It’s what I’ve ALWAYS wanted to be. I’ve prayed for these two adorable crazy creatures. It was so incredibly hard to conceive. It took WAY longer than I ever thought. And a loss along the way. 👼🏼 But it was absolutely worth it. Holy crap though that guilt and shame I’ve put on myself that “you’ve prayed for these babies, have the blessing of being able to be home with them and not work, when so many others have too, so you shouldn’t want to leave them” is intense. And it’s a lie. I can only be an awesome mom, The mom I want to be, if I’m who I need to be first! That’s the astounding truth you guys. That’s the awakening I need. I NEED TO BE HAPPY WITH ME so I can be happy as a mother fully. Giving to myself,doing for myself – IS – doing and giving to them and my husband.

So here we go… taking one small step back into my passion. Just putting ‘one foot in front of the other’ (there’s the movie quote of the post!😘 and a claymation one to boot) Letting go of mom control (a whole other can of worms to open in a later post!) and doing that thing that makes me feel joy in & for myself. Oh and doing other things to support it!! Finding other avenues within the career and industry too!! I’m so so excited. Nervous to jump back in. It will be small at first. But such a GIGANTIC thing for my inner self!! I’m ready… who’s along for the ride with me?!! 🙋🏼‍♀️



Ps… who’s ready to come see me again in the salon? And get the EPIC scalp massage y’all’ve been missing?!!

Uh hmm… (cough cough)

Well hello. It’s little ol me. You know the girl who really wants to keep up with the whole blog thing and then life gets in the way. Moving, kids, home life, moving, traveling hubby, preschool, mom, in laws, holidays etc etc etc. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Well I’m still here. Still me. Trying to figure out that funny thing called balance.

Fun fact: I always dreamed of being in the circus. No really, I really wanted to grow up and somehow be in the circus. No joke. Well it didn’t happen. Not exactly. I did get to perform for a few years with some amazing acrobats, clowns, singers, dancers, jugglers, stilt walkers, contortionists, fire breathers, sword eaters and magicians. So I guess I kinda did. Just not in the big top with the elephants 🐘. But after all that.. i realized while watching “the greatest showman” for the upteenth time that this life I’m living is my circus. I juggle two beautiful crazy kids, a schedule, family, a traveling husband and keep myself sort of together. I’m still a performer!!

We have dance parties every night. I have to do some of the weirdest things to get my kids to cooperate a lot of the time. Lol!! (No but seriously if you saw me you’d probably think I was going crazy. Lol) the sounds that I make sometimes to get a four year old and 17 month olds attention are straight outta crazy town!! I may not be “in the circus” or performing on stages (or in hotels) anymore but this performance is my best thus far. This is my greatest accomplishment. I’m living my dream life. Yes, by golly it’s ridiculously hard. And yes, I emotionally break down far more than I want to admit (just ask my hubby). But when I stop and look. Gosh, it’s so good. God is so good. Life is hard. The struggles are real. I usually have yogurt somewhere on my pants or shirt or hair at some point in the day but it’s totally worth it!!

confession: I think I’m needing to hear myself say this. Because I truly do have to remind myself a lot. Lately I’ve been deep in the pits of self doubt. Trying to doggie paddle my way up to the surface. Purpose. Confidence. Joy. Are really hard right now. I’m attempting to work on these everyday but it’s hard. I absolutely fight the shame spiral that I tend to travel down WAY too much you guys. I snap at my husband for the dumbest things almost daily. And it’s because I’m so out of tune with me. But.. I’m working on it. Sometimes I leap forward in this journey and then out of no where take 4 steps back. Then a few teeny tiny steps forward again. The goal is to go forward isn’t it?!! So when we don’t there comes that stinkin’ guilt train.. so I’ve tried to truly start looking at those movements backward as launching points. To look at them. Actually look and feel. Figure out what it was to grow from them. I just know that soon those will be more and more few and far between. Growth is awkward, amazing, scary, consuming, and way to easy to run from. But it’s worth it. So I’m taking those tiny baby steps that they are, forward. My husband made an amazing point this past weekend that has stuck in my brain and definitely stung a bit. That we need to stop trying to figure out WHY we do the things we do (at least for everything) and just make the choice to change it. It’s a choice. Because if I sit in the “why am I doing this, what made me like this” place I will never move forward. Yes, there are definitely things that we need to find the root to change but NOT with everything. And if we wait to figure it out for everything we’re just going to be waiting FOREVER. (If you were a kid that grew up on 90s movies you heard it, don’t lie!!) The choice needs to be made to just change it. And get the different outcome.

So… here I am. Attempting to share my journey. Just because! Maybe for me to just speak it into this cyber void but hopefully for others who are dealing with these struggles too. Who knows. But what I do know is I want to be the best me I can. I want my confidence back. My joy. My calmness. My fun-ness (sure that’s a word!) it’s time. I’ve worked too hard. Overcome too much already to just stand still. I want to dance in this life. Feel it fully. Live! Talk to you soon friends. Promise!



My “backwards” mess

Oh hey there old friend…

So much change again in our crazy life! You ready…..


We moved back to Vegas!! Say what?!! That thing we said we’d “never do”. Yep we did! Lol. Never say never (as fifel says or sings.. don’t lie you sang it didn’t you!!) yep we’re back. The hubs got that job like I said a few posts back (which was a long time ago. Lol) sorry bout that!! And with that and with the amount of travel he has to do, plus having two kiddos now (yep we had our amazing baby girl!) it made the most sense. Be closer to my momma. Be in a place that’s easier and quicker for him to fly. And we definitely wanna buy a house soon so Nevada is the best place to do that for us!! So here we are.

So many emotions were and still are connected with this decision. The “I don’t want to go backwards” thought was my main concern. But guess what I didn’t. I’m actually moving forward! The hubs and I just had a deep conversation (hard to find the time to do that lately!) about it. I’ve definitely “lost” myself. Or my confidence which in turn means I’ve lost me over the years. So much change can do this to you. But also.. not taking the time to figure it out. Hiding behind my circumstances. My responsibilities. My pain. My past. And my FEARS.

So folks… now’s the time. To forgive myself and show my big ‘ol soul an abundance of grace! But to start fresh. Fresh in my thoughts and emotions. Really taking the time to own them, feel them, figure them out and most importantly let them go once the moment has passed. I SUCK at that part. And I’m standing here in my messy emotional self and OWNING that shit! I am terrible at letting things go, not letting that bitterness beast get the best of me and linger for WAY too long. So that’s the part I’m really focusing on. Not trying to ignore the feelings (the hurt, the embarrassment, the sadness, depression, uncertainty, whatever it is at the moment) but owning them. Figuring out what made it happen, how to move thru it and let it pass!

It’s amazing what a move/change in location can do AM I right?!!! Haha. So this move “backwards” back to that “never” again place has really helped me realize how to go back but forward at the same time. (Hopefully that makes sense!!) I truly want to be the best me I can be. For my kids, my husband, my friends and most importantly for me!! Be the happy, kind, patient, caring, compassionate, real, vulnerable Allyson that God made me to be! Feel my feelings and use them to better myself however they need to!

Hope you are feeling fantastic! And have a fantastic holiday weekend! We will talk soon! Promise! Thanks for listening, reading, taking a moment to connect. I truly appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. Being open helps me keep myself accountable in my own growth, my own story. So thanks for being that accountability partner even if I don’t know ya that well!! 😘 stay beautiful and know that we’re all kind of messy (in many ways) and I’m here just sharing my journey in figuring out that mess!! Hopefully I can encourage you in your journey or just make ya laugh at mine!! Whichever it is, I’m good with!!



Learning to see myself…

Like I said before I’ve been majorly struggling with my identity. It’s incredibly hard sometimes being a Christian woman. A Christian wife. And Christian mother. When you’ve grown up thinking you know who you are.

We’re constantly changing. The world is constantly changing. Fashion.. make up… what is considered sexy or cool. Etc. it’s exhausting to be honest with you. And I’m sure you feel the exact same way. Especially now with instagram. We all struggle with comparing everyone’s little life in squares. The perfect little pictures of their houses, marriages, lives, kids… it really does continue to add to our identity issues. Or at least mine!

Being a Christian woman is so hard. We know who we should place our identity in. And it’s simple right?! Our identity is in who Jesus thinks we are. Period. And because he died for us that means we are perfect in his eyes. He paid the price. He died for my sins (not for me to be perfect than I am already perfect because of his debt). So simple. When you read it or at least I do.. I’m like “duh Allyson it’s that simple”. But then life creeps in a few seconds later. (Literally second later) We start to compare ourselves to others. Am I doing enough? Am I a good enough mother? Oh shit I lost my temper with my husband or my toddler again. Oh shit I said shit again! Compare compare compare. Judging ourselves. Wishing we were better, more or like someone else we see who we think is!

It’s hard. And real life.

Then to add onto that try being surrounded by women, wives, and mothers who seem to actually do all the right things. At least that’s how it’s presented. That nothing is wrong. There are no hardships. Their marriages are great. Their finances are great. Their kids are kids but they discipline the “right” way. And their kids are amazing in public. Again… what the hell am I doing wrong? I feel like a failure or a fraud if I’m real. If i say I’m struggling. If I say the wrong “Christian thing”. Use a (heaven forbid) a swear word. It’s f****ing exhausting!!!

And gets me so confused. So does Jesus love me? Allyson… Right now. The girl who sometimes swears.. or shares WAY too much.. or wears shorts that may be a little shorter… or uses the wrong Christian vernacular.. grew up in sin city? Does He love me now or the girl, mother, wife I’m supposed to be.. or knows I “can” be?! So silly right. But it’s the truth. And just like that my identity is shaken once again.

So in this identity search (which I know is in Jesus) but it is still mine. I’m letting go (or working on it) to let go of this stupid idea of perfection. Or I guess, re -focusing my vision on what perfection is.

Today in my bible study on the Bible app (super handy by the way) but again fighting the urge to compare. “Oh no Allyson you mean you didn’t actually open your ‘real’ bible” (geez you guys. This inner voice of mine is horribly stupid sometimes!) Anyways… I read the most amazing thing…

“You may feel unworthy when you look in that mirror. Maybe as a child you were never truly loved by a parent. Maybe your spouse has broken your heart. Or someone has shamed you in some way and you’ve started believing lies about yourself. The amazing truth is – that no matter what anyone says, no matter what you think of yourself – the truth is you are of such high value. If you were the only person on earth, God still would have sent His only son to die for you! He had YOU in mind, sweet friend. I can’t get enough of that truth. I am enough for Him and so are you!”

I am enough for Him and it’s THAT simple.

I am. Even if I was the last person on earth or the only. Jesus still would’ve died for me!! So crazy to think like that. I’m sure some of you have. But this was a complete wake up for me this morning. Not to be perfect today. (Even though I know I’ll still struggle with that). But it’s that simple.

I. Am. Enough.

I’ve heard it a million times. In a million sermons. Studies. Books. Etc. but today it just hit me. Me. Right now. Nothing changing. Not any better than I am today… I am enough. And so are YOU!

So… today I’m choosing to know that I WILL screw up. I WILL say the wrong thing. Talk WAY to much. Etc. but try not to judge myself. Criticize myself about it. Just laugh and say well that’s me. And Jesus loves me. I am enough right freakin now!! Not tomorrow. Not later when I’m less tired or did the dishes. Right now. Messy house. Dirty hair. Exhausted. Huge, swollen and super pregnant.

I. Am. Enough. Period.

I hope you have an amazing day. Feel loved. And know that we all screw up.. we’re real people. And it’s OK to be real. Be vulnerable. Be you. And i hope you feel that truth at some point today!

Xoxo, ally 💋

Oh hello there…

Here I am!!! Ready to start this game again! Life is so crazy isn’t it?! The changes. The ups and downs. So so crazy!!

So here’s the quick downlow….

It’s been a year…

Holy shit… yeah a year….


Here goes….

We moved to the Denver area!

For an amazing job for my hubs!

Had our first vaca away from our little guy…

Found out we’re having our second baby!!

~~~~~~~ a girl.. yay! ~~~~~~~~

We get to meet her in just a few weeks!!

Started a fun adventure in my own health and wellness business!

Our little guy turned 3!!!

After a “fun” week. He’s officially potty trained. Still working on number dos … but he’s doing amazing!!!! Hashtag real mom shit!

My hubby started a new job back at the company he was with before we moved! An amazing sales rep job which means he’ll be traveling but he gets to work REMOTE!! Hooray! So proud and pumped for him!! Such a fantastic and amazing move for him!! He deserves it. And is already so so so happy!!

Which could mean we move again… but for right now we’re staying put!

And breath….

So yeah. That’s the skinny on what’s happened the past year!! Big stuff!!

With all that said. I’ve been dealing big time with my own little identity crisis. Really trying to dive in and figure out who I am. Or getting back to who I was partly! Making new friends. Exploring a new state! I will be diving more into that.. in future posts. It’s hard. Been hard. Been a crazy struggle. Lots of loneliness to be real honest with you. But I’m determined to find me again. That confident me. She’s in there. Shows up (a lot more lately than she has!). But it’s definitely work in progress. But then again aren’t we all?!!!

So here I am… starting somewhat fresh… with a new blog name!! Ready to share my heart with you all… the ups.. the downs.. the boring (just trying to be real)… the mommy stuff.. the wife stuff… and hopefully figure my shit out!! And I’m so unbelievably grateful you’re here!!

Life is definitely crazy right?!!

I’m so ready to GLOW again. And that’s my goal!! Talk to you very soon!!


Ally 💋

Come out confidence

Have you ever felt like you’ve lost yourself? Like you’re staring at your life from outside of yourself? Wanting to correct? Wanting to encourage? Wanting to let’s face it shake yourself?

Well folks I’m there. And I’m so ready to get out of this uncomfortable, annoying, limbo feeling that I’m in.   I want nay NEED my confidence back asap. And I’m the only freakin person who can do it. All I want to do is be lazy and hide. 

But..I.. Can’t! and won’t anymore. 

The crazy thing is the confidence is gone in only parts of my life. I’m confident that I’m a great mom. Not so confident that I’m a great wife. Im confident in my faith in the Lord. But not so confident in myself itself. Ugh you guys its so frustrating when it’s just parts. Cuz you lean into the good ones. The ones you do. But oh my when the others shake you… You melt. Seriously melt. Lose myself. Wanna fall to the ground. Cry. Scream. Throw a full out two year old tantrum (and I should know what they look like now!). 

But I will not let myself stay there. Well I’m working on it everyday. Trying not to beat myself up when I screw up. (Trying is the key word folks) but I am.. 


Reminding myself that I’m a work In progress. That I don’t have to have my shit together because I’m 33. I’m finding myself again. As a wife, a mom, a daughter, a friend. And it’s hard. But each day I’m reminding myself to put on my big girl panties, read my bible, pray, listen to podcasts, read (a lot of brené brown 😊) and get out of this shame funk that I’m in. 

My hubby is trying so hard to love on me, be patient with me, encourage me and I need to do the same for myself. To be a better mom, wife, woman really. He made a comment the other day that I’ve now put in my phone as a never ending reminder each day 

“take off your shame goggles Allyson”. 

And I need to. Stop looking at every scenario, problem, positive moment. Without the shame I’VE PUT ON MYSELF. I know that shame is my own doing. It’s not what God wants me to feel. It’s hard. It takes work and reminding everyday. And to love myself is:
To know that I’m gonna mess up but that’s just part of life. 
My screw ups do NOT define me. 
I am searching for my “strength” again. My confidence. I know she’s in there. Ready to break out again. I’m ready for you confidence. 

Come out come out wherever you are. 

I need to say something… 

With everything happening in the world today… In our country…my heart is hurting and 

I’m having such a hard time not speaking. We are taught to love each other. No matter if you believe in God or something else. But we are all here. On this earth. We are all different. What we believe. What nationality we are. What we think. What we are passionate about. Our hobbies. Our jobs. Our personalities.


But the one thing we ALL are is human. And as humans. We are the same. And we need to honor each other, respect each other, help each other, love each other. Why is there so much hate? It’s so much harder to hate than it is to love. Truly. So love each other. 
And if you’re having a hard time doing that take a second and watch “the help” or read it if you have the time. This is one of my favorite books and movies. Such a powerful and simple reminder about where we all came from. 

So much hate. So much work in our country to turn that around. 

So why are we going backwards? It’s so much harder. Just move forward. Love your neighbor. Love your families. Love your “enemies”. Love each other. It’s not that hard. And with love. Love in myself, my Amazing grace filled loving GOD and savior, love my family, love in my community…. Just love you guys. Love. Hate can not concur. The evil one cannot survive if there is… LOVE. 

Finding the words.. A letter to my clients…

A letter to my clients

First and foremost I would like to say..
Thank you 

thank you for sticking with me 

thank you for being dependable 

Thank you for being kind, caring, loving

Thank you for being understanding 

thank you for teaching me accountability

thank you for allowing me to be me and allowing me to be vulnerable and talk (a lot!) and I guess, just be who I am. 

I want to say thank you for sticking with me for 3+ years during this season of transition in moving and in the season of me becoming a mommy and honestly for being a part of my family! None of that goes unnoticed and I’m sorry that I’ve taken a while to say it. 

Not traveling back-and-forth to Las Vegas has been a major process for me, to learn kind of who I am again with out traveling and to learn to be confident in myself and figure out what that means. This “change” truly has been one the hardest transitions to make for me but I just wanted to deeply say thank you to those of you who have been there through this crazy season and know that I will never forget you, that I care about each and every one of you and I pray for you daily. 

I am so unbelievably blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. I miss you ALL dearly. I miss our wonderful conversations and I miss catching up. I just miss each and everyone of you so much. Thank you for helping to shape me into who I am today and thank you for being in my life. 

Again I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to say all of this. I had great expectations of saying ‘thank you’ sooner but I couldn’t wrap my brain around not going back. And honestly, I just couldn’t find the words without crying. (Which I failed anyway because I am as I write this!) 

Again.. I say thank you to each one of you. Know that I care about all of you deeply. So now I will stop. Ok.. With just one more (for good measure). 



hello again

well hello there..

i’m taking today to recommit..

something happened a while ago.. that really stopped me from writing.. lets just say someone read my blog and kind of ruined it.. scared me off.. attacked something that was mine.. had an opinion that wasn’t kind.. so i stopped.. i lost my voice for a bit (ok for a while)…

but then something wonderful happened.. my good friend taylor of asked me to write something for her blog.. she is an amazing writer you guys.. and it scared me.. but the challenge really inspired me to find my voice again.. so here i am.. recommitting to my little blog, my few but wonderful readers, and mostly to myself to not let fear creep in.. negative feedback.. someone else’s opinion dictate what i have to say..

i am back (with a new blog name for a little protection and fresh start)

i am proud of who i am and what i have to say

i am woman hear me roar (ok i got a little out of hand haha) 🙂

and i can’t wait to begin.. so until next time..
